Monday, December 8, 2008

Hari Raya Haji

Yo back to blogging madness.Well I am hapy that it is Hari Raya Haji and I would like to wish all my muslim friends Selemat Hari Raya Haji :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Tau Suan,

It is good to see that you are back in the "blogesphere".

I find that blogging is very therapeutic especially when I am blogging about our Lord Jesus Christ. The more I blog about Him, the more my faith increases and the more I am learning to "let go and let God".

Continue to cultivate the love for blogging. May you get better and better with time.


Verytiki said...

How sweet of you. I wish you all the best too. I have a few Malay friends too. I'll introduce you to them ok. They are very nice ppl.

Respecting other ppl's religious is great. Well done my son. There's only one religion and that is religion of LOVE (Baba). Glad that you understand.