Today at school,our Chinese teacher(mr Tay)told us that our exams are 1month and 2weeks away.Feeling melancholy, I continued my studies.But look on the bright side,after exam, we can play computer for as long as we want:).my father (Ng Ee Teen) promised to buy me Command And Conquer 4 Kane's Warith.I can't wait."It is a splendid idea" I said with a happy voice.I detest chinese cause I always don't score well and I am afraid that I would not get the CD.Chinese is like my hatred subject.Well,my father once told me"You only study for your own good."That phrasereally penetrate through my heart and touched me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bye for now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Do not lose faith, Blackninja.
Unfortunately, we live in a society where paper qualifications count for a lot. Having said that, I know that you have always put in your best effort in every examination / test and this is what matters most of all.
Continue to persevere and you will conquer a higher and higher mountain each time.
Do the best you can and leave the rest to the One above. At the end of the day, your own efforts can only take you so far. The blessings from the One you have faith in (no matter what your religion is) will see you through. Do not worry.
Pebble is One Hundred and One Percent right.
Have faith in yourself and have faith in God.
Baba always stress to us to practice common sense then god sense.
Study hard is common sense.
Have faith and confident. God is around you and in you. He is omni present. Don't be afraid to face and take challenge with him around and in you. This is God sense.
I like your blog. So many interesting post to read. So many nice songs, so many games, etc etc etc.....I like your blog
Alan (USA)
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